Wednesday, December 17, 2008


The industrial field of the research and production of botanical extracts supposes a hight exercise of responsability when giving the consumer an enormous range of products that can contribute to maintain, and even to improve, its conditions of life and health. The serious, solid, contrasted investigation and the responsible production, following appropiate standars of quality, they are the basic pillars of this activity

Spanish Nutrafur-Furfural Español S.A., it takes more than ten years developing this activity concept in the investigation and production of botanicals extract, there being you livestock the respect of the international community specialized in this field. Thanks to it, Nutrafur,the division of botanical extract of Furfural Español, with an insole of 70 employees, it has reached in he last annual period a production of more than 100TM of vegetable diverse extracts: rosemary, olive, citrus, echinacea, valerian, passiflora, artichoke, sage, thyme, devil's claw, etc, demonstrating a good conjunction between versatility and specialization, so much for the design personalized the client of their products, like for the diversity of the same ones inside the environment of the matters cousins mainly of the mediterranean area.

The sectors of application of the botanical extracts that Nutrafur manufactures are food, nutraceutical, cosmetic and pharmacy. With this new step, it incorporates a point more to the managerial high excellence and acquired technique during the whole activity of Nutrafur-Furfural Español S.A., whose merits have been recognized with the certifications ISO 9001, ISO 14001, HACCP, KOSHER, HALAL, as well as Extract of Romero Organic, only company national possessor of this certification and that they make of Nutrafur a technological national and international "giant" in the sector of production of botanical extracts.

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